Application to Principal to arrange extra classes for Computer Practical

Dear [Principal's Name],

I am writing this letter to bring your kind attention towards the lack of practical sessions for computer classes in our school. As we all know, computer science is a very important subject and practical knowledge is crucial for students to understand and apply the concepts in real-world scenarios.

However, due to the limited time allocated for computer classes, it is becoming difficult for us to cover the syllabus and practice the practical aspects thoroughly. This is especially concerning as most of the examinations and competitions these days require practical knowledge of the subject.

Therefore, I kindly request you to arrange a few extra classes for computer practicals so that we can have enough time to practice and improve our skills. This will not only help us in our exams but also prepare us for future job opportunities that require computer skills.

I hope you will consider my request and take necessary action to arrange extra classes for computer practicals.

Thank you for your time and attention.


[Your Name]

[Class and Roll Number]

black and silver laptop computer on table
black and silver laptop computer on table